New legal requirements for e-commerce websites

ODR, the European Commission launches the platform for the online dispute resolution

The owner of an e-commerce website that sells goods and services in Europe to customers residing in the European Union must link his website to a new online instrument for the resolution of disputes (ODR).

On January 9 2016 the European Commission launched a new platform (called ODR) for an alternative resolution of online disputes.
In fact, with effect form February 15 2016 consumers and traders will be able to access it in order to report and to be registered, respectively.
The platform has been set up to solve online disputes: consumers and traders may submit an online complaint and the ODR bodies offer out-of-court settlement procedures to handle the problem. The use of the platform is optional, but in order to promote its diffusion, the Regulation No 524/2013 requires that e-commerce websites report the link to the procedure. Traders should also provide their email address in order to let the consumers have a first point of contact (already required by art. 7 of Legislative Decree 70/03).

In short, it is mandatory to inform the users when:
1. A company is based in the EU and sells goods or services online.
2. It sells to European consumers (residing in the EU)


A roadmap for completing the single market for parcel delivery, build trust in delivery services and encourage online sales.

The full text of the legislation on the European Union portal:



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