Agreements for the development of the fishing industry

Opportunities for the national professional associations of the fishing sector


The Ministry for Agriculture, Food and Forestry, by decree of December 23 2015, issued the procedures for access to the Agreements for the development of the fishing industry.


National professional associations of the fishing sector, namely Consortia set up by the associations themselves.

Eligible actions

The available financial resources are allocated to the implementation of the activity indicated below and identified as priority for the achievement of the development objectives of the fishing industry: safeguarding and promoting local food traditions, typical, biological and quality products, also through the setting up of voluntary consortia for the safeguard of quality fish in the form of producer organizations, too.

In order to be eligible the projects must concern the implementation of activities that are not object of ongoing or finalised projects and already financed by other institutions or by the Ministry for Agriculture, Food and Forestry.

Available funds

The total amount of funds for project financing is €408.000,00.


Procedures and deadlines

The projects must be addressed to «Ministero delle politiche agricole alimentari e forestali ‐ Direzione generale della pesca marittima e dell'acquacoltura ‐ PEMAC IV ‐ Viale dell'Arte n. 16 ‐ III piano ‐ 00144 Roma», no later than 42 days after the publication of the Decree in the Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica italiana (11/02/2016).
Whenever the expiry day is a public holiday or Saturday or Sunday, the time limit shall be the first working day.

Regulatory references

Decree December 23, 2015.


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