Italian Responsible Payment Code

Go Infoteam Group undersigns the Italian Responsible Payment Code, a choice of behaviour

What is the Italian Responsible Payment Code?
Launched by Assolombarda on May 27 2014, the CPR is a voluntary nature behaviour code. The signatories
undertake to ensure their suppliers timely and correct payments.

We chose to keep our word, to meet the commitments. The Code does not set any specific maximum payment terms, but it simply requires that the terms agreed on with the suppliers be complied with. As a rule, Assolombarda believes that payments should normally be settled within 30 to 90 days. The Confederation of British Industry suggests a single payment term of 30 days.

We say yes to transparency, no to bureaucracy. CPR is a behaviour code based on lean and important features:

  • voluntary membership
  • timely payment practices
  • transparency towards suppliers
  • commitment to disseminate the adoption of the Code 
  • very lean and simple procedures


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