Legal Notes


Using the website

In no event shall Infoteam S.r.l. be liable for damages of any nature arising directly or indirectly from the access to the website, incapacity or inability to access and from the use of the information contained therein. Infoteam S.r.l. reserves the right to change the contents of the website and of the legal notes at any time and without notice.

Accessing external linked websites

Infoteam S.r.l. is not responsible for the websites which are accessible through links within the website itself.
Infoteam S.r.l. cannot be held liable with regard to information obtained through access to linked websites using hypertext links (URL). The owners of the accessed websites are liable for the completeness of the information they contain, according to their own specific conditions.


The content that can be downloaded from this website, e.g. technical documentation, regulations, forms and software, unless otherwise specified, is available and free, according to the owner's conditions.
Virus informatici
Infoteam does not guarantee that the website will be free from errors or viruses. Infoteam srl and its providers are not responsible for the damages that can be caused to the user by these destructive agents.


All trademarks are the property of their respective owners; third-party brands, product names, trade names, corporate names and companies mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners or registered trademarks of other companies and are used for purposes of explanation and information and to the owner's benefit, without implying a violation of copyright law.
Infoteam srl accepts no responsibility for any errors or omissions detected in this website.
"GO INFOTEAM" trademark is filed with the Italian Patent and Trademark Office, n. PE1999C000128, September 2 1999, registration n. 0000880473, January 17 2003.


All rights are reserved. For further details, please refer to

Legal advertising and company information

As required by the Law July 7 2009, n. 88 art. 49, related to company web communication, the company information is available at
Privacy policy

The information pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation 679/2016 (General Data Protection Regulation) GDPR are available at

Cookies policy

This website uses cookies according to the Legislative Decree n. 69, May 28 2012 and to the Directive 2009/136/EC, available at


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GO Infoteam