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Extract from Regulation of Privacy Policy On processing data in accordance with pursuant to art. 13 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation 679/2016 hereinafter referred to as GDPR.

In compliance with the provisions to art. 13 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation 679/2016 , GO Infoteam as a process owner is to provide the necessary information regarding the purposes and methods of processing of personal data, as well as the 'scope of communication and diffusion, the nature of the data in our possession, and its transfer. The / undersigned / a, read the information supplied by the data pursuant to art. 13 of the law. No 196/2003, gives his consent, pursuant to art. 23, for the treatment of the data necessary to perform the operations specified in the information and data communication to the responsible personnel.


This company carries out data processing operations that you provide when you subscribe to newsletters related to our main sites of the network. This data is anonymous and not of data type identifier.


The processing of personal data is carried out exclusively by GO Infoteam for the following purposes: Provide the required services. Perform market research and marketing studies. Provide information and / or offers of products, services or initiatives promoted by GO Infoteam or its sponsors (business partners), without this resulting in transfer of data to third parties. Cooperation with the competent judicial authorities for purposes related to the prevention and suppression of crime.


The data collected as specified above and are stored on computer. You can delete the data, at any time and without intermediation, autonomously an under his own responsibility, through an automated procedure made available online by GO Infoteam The data is processed within the company, from employees and by employees who have been appointed managers and / or processors that have received the necessary and adequate information on the subject. The processing of your data is done lawfully and fairly, for specified, explicit and legitimate, not excessive for the purpose.


We inform you that the disclosure of information is necessary for the performance of services required; not providing, as well as conferring partial or inaccurate, has the effect of preventing the timely delivery of service you can to assert your rights according to art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003, by contacting the data controller: Gruppo GO Infoteam Viale Pindaro,14 - Pescara (PE) 
telefono+39 085 4516370 - fax+39 085 4516180


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